Private dwelling: Station Road, Cultra

The construction of this bespoke seaside family home posed a number of challenges, with restrictive access to the narrow site and the difficulty of operating in extreme conditions, which impacted particularly on the installation of the zinc roof. None the less, this exquisite new home was delivered on time, and within budget.

Onchan District Commissioners Hawthorne Villa Isle of Man

The internal refurbishment of this building required the installation of a new lift and the design and installation of a new reception area. As MACCS registered contractors, Scrabo Isle of Man Ltd. completed this project to the high standards required by the Onchan Commissioners, assisted by our pool of tried and tested registered local sub-contractors.

Emmagail Cottage, Port Erin, Isle of Man

In order to restore the integrity of this building following massive subsidence, Scrabo Isle of Man drew on the specialist services of a trusted partner, Larsen Piling. Once stabilised, Scrabo completed a programme of extensive refurbishment.